
21 January 2012

193: Casa Construction Update

It's been almost 3 weeks since we posted an update on the Casa construction. John and I have both had colds recently, so consequently, we haven't been doing much. We spend most days relaxing in the Rancho, surfing the internet and napping. While we've been doing that, the progress on the Casa has been amazing. The builder says once the roof is on, we won't notice significant changes during the new few weeks, because now it's all in the details. Here are the most recent photos with comments.

EliƩcer, our construction manager, is overseeing the boys mixing the concrete recipe.

On the right, you can see they have started to pour the concrete footings for the stairway to the Mirador. The stairs will lead up from the Rancho you see in the background. We are planning to have a large storage area in the stairwell. Between the stairway and the house on the left, there will be a covered carport with the Mirador above it. This will be an observatory deck where John can setup his telescope. You won't believe the clarity of the night sky here.

This is our front entryway and the window on the left is the spare bedroom.

This is the great room and kitchen as seen from the front door, with the nook on the right. The nook will have two side windows looking into the great room with French doors.

This is the view from the kitchen to the great room.

This is the master bedroom.

This is the view from the master bedroom looking toward Atenas.

This is the Terraza outside the master suite. Notice the stack of ceiling joists already welded. This will be the structure that will support our clay tile roof.

This is the view from the Terraza back toward Atenas. The storage shed you see in the background will be removed when the construction is finished.

Since we are in the dry season, the team has really been able to put in full days and their daily progress is very evident. The down side to all of this beautiful weather is the wind. It kicks up a tremendous amount of dust and dirt from all the excavation they did to level the ground and pour the concrete footings. I've just about given up on on trying to keep the Casita and Rancho clean. I'm fighting a losing battle until the construction is finished. We should be finished with all this by April, or May, when the rainy season starts. Then we can plant grass again and do some landscaping.

In other news, there will be Fiestas during the last weekend of February, sponsored by the local community, in the Sports Plaza next door to us. There have been workers in the Plaza these past two weekends, building a bull fighting ring and who knows what else. We met with them today and volunteered to provide them with electricity for their lights and sound system and we will also supply them with water for the animals. It should be lots of fun for the neighborhood. I'll be sure and post pictures after the event.

Well friends and family, that's all the news for now.

1 comment:

  1. Grrrreat!
    How nice that you will provide electricity and water for the fiestas.

    Please let me know if there is something I can do to help. I'll probably be good for only a couple hours - because, well you know - I'm retired (and lazy) :-)
